14 Benefits Of Eating Eggs

Eggs are a fantastic food. Many say that they are one of the best foods in the whole world. We have 14 reasons why you should be adding eggs to your daily diet and we think you will find them quite interesting. You may want to go out and buy a dozen eggs right away. Maybe two dozen!

Photo credit: Canva

1.  High in Vitamins and Minerals

Eggs are a fantastic source of a lot of different vitamins and minerals. One egg contains about 20% of your daily recommended vitamin B2, 23% of the recommended amount of selenium, and a great amount of vitamins A, D, E, and B6. Add to that list some calcium, zinc, and folate and there is almost no need to take a multivitamin at all! Just eat an egg instead. It has a little bit of almost every nutrient you need. 

2. Plenty of Protein

One hard-boiled egg has 6 grams of protein. That’s a whole lot for one little egg! Especially since an egg is so low in calories. Protein is essential for providing you with energy, building muscle, and keeping your body healthy in general. Eating a simple egg will give you the protein you need to keep you moving!

3. Raises HDL Cholesterol

You may have heard that cholesterol is bad. That isn’t always the case. HDL cholesterol is known as the “good” cholesterol. It is the type that will help lower your risk of heart disease, stroke, and other health issues. Eating eggs will help raise your HDL levels and actually lower your risk of certain diseases. 

4. Lots of Choline

Choline is one of those nutrients you never really hear about, but you actually need. Choline helps build cell membranes, which, as you may have guessed, is pretty important. A whole egg has about 100 mg of choline making it an incredible source of this often overlooked nutrient. Eat eggs! It will help you make more healthy cells and stay alive!

5. They Taste Good

Photo credit: Canva Pro

Let’s take a break from all the health talk and just look at how good eggs are to eat in general. Eggs are delicious! They are creamy, savory, and a little bit sweet. They have so much flavor all on their own that you can cook them up and eat them plain. So, not only are you getting food that is nutritious, but also one that is just oh so yummy. 

6. Eggs are Exciting

You will never get tired of eating eggs. That is because there is so much you can make with eggs. You can whip up an omelet or make a souffle. You can use eggs to scramble or to create an egg sandwich. You can probably look up thousands of egg recipes online that will help you enjoy eggs every single day and still be excited about your meal. 

7. Eye Health

Eggs have antioxidants called lutein and zeaxanthin which help reduce the risk of eye issues like cataracts or degeneration. Egg yolks specifically are best for eye health as this is where all those antioxidants live. Eye health is a big issue, especially as you age and your vision starts to worsen. Adding eggs to your daily diet will drastically help slow the degenerative process that affects your eyes. 

8. Omega-3 Fatty Acids

You probably know all about omega-3 fatty acids by now. They are a well-known nutrient that helps your mind and body function to the fullest. Eating eggs will give you the omega-3 fatty acids you need to reduce your risk of heart disease. You can even find eggs that have higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids. Even better!

9. Stay Fuller for Longer

Eggs are super filling. They are so full of protein which is the best macronutrient to eat to keep you full. Eggs score pretty high on the satiety index (yes, that is a real thing) which means they have been proven to keep you feeling full for a long time. That means you don’t need to prepare meal after meal or make tons of snacks for yourself all day long. Those morning eggs are enough!

10. Weight Loss

Photo credit: Canva

Since eggs keep you feeling full, you will eat less and, therefore, lose weight. In fact, a study showed that people who ate eggs at breakfast consumed 180 fewer calories at lunch four hours later. This is because they were still full from those morning eggs! Adding eggs to your daily routine will keep you happy, full, and skinny!

11. Inexpensive

Eggs are pretty cheap. They are one of the most inexpensive, nutritious foods out there! Making eggs one of your main daily meals will help you save money while still eating healthy. You could even consider getting chickens so that you can get your eggs for free! 

12. Quick Meal

It doesn’t take long to prepare eggs, no matter what type of eggs you are making. A simple scrambled egg only takes about 1-2 minutes in a frying pan and you can make an entire omelet in less than 5 minutes! Make a bunch of hard-boiled eggs at the beginning of the week and you can have one every single day for the whole week. We love quick and easy meals and eggs are definitely on that list! 

13. Convenient

You can find eggs pretty much anywhere in the world. They are one of the most common foods across the globe. No matter where you go, you will be able to find eggs and make yourself a classic meal. Grab your eggs at the grocery store, the gas station, or your local farm. You will always be able to find eggs.

14. They are Pretty

So, this is a pretty basic reason why you should add eggs to your diet, but it is a good one. Eggs are just pretty! They add a pop of bright yellow color to your plate that is cheerful and bold. Eggs just look nice, which makes us want to eat them even more.

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